The Secret Behind The Empire State Building: Planning

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1.7 floors per week at its peak. 410 days from start to finish. 3,500 workers. 102 stories were completed in New York City in 1931.

This is the story of the Empire State Building.

The secret? Thorough planning.

There’s a common myth that construction projects only start when the first spade hits the ground.

The Empire State Building’s rapid construction is a testament to the power of planning. Picture this: While most of New York was fast asleep, architects, engineers, and planners were burning the midnight oil, sketching out blueprints, refining strategies, and double-checking every detail. Progress wasn’t just measured by the height of the steel beams but by the countless hours spent ensuring everything was perfect on paper before a single step was taken on the ground.

There’s a common myth that construction projects only start when the first spade hits the ground. However, successful projects truly begin in the quiet hum of offices where designs are crafted, plans are debated, and every possible scenario is considered. It’s in these moments that the real foundation is laid.

Why all this effort? Because once the project moves on-site, it needs to glide smoothly like a well-oiled machine, not stumble like a novice on an ice rink. Any unresolved issues at the planning stage can snowball into significant delays and unforeseen problems.

Rushing to start on-site might seem like a leap towards progress, but starting just one week too early can translate into months of delays. It's like sending a car down the assembly line without finishing the engine design—inevitably, it will stall.

The Empire State Building’s story is a powerful reminder that success in construction starts long before the first steel beam is lifted. It begins in the detailed, often painstaking, work done offsite and in the office. This behind-the-scenes effort ensures that when construction finally begins, it progresses swiftly, efficiently, and with remarkable precision.

We, at Clarks Construction, believe that meticulous planning is the cornerstone of our success.

Photo credits to Rare Historical Photos (

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